How SEO impacts voice search

You do not have to give it many laps. The current reality is that everything that has to do with voice search is a fact. In fact, this is not something that we affirm lightly. More than anything because it is known that every day hundreds of millions of people carry out this type of search. SEO SEARCH BY VOICE

Some searches that have many advantages, by the way, and that is why they have spread and are, not the future, but the present.

  • They are very comfortable searches since they can be carried out in a few seconds.
  • They are searches that can be very precise. And it is that they are the voice you can narrow down very well what we really want to find.
  • They are searches that are designed for anyone to carry out. With this what we mean is that anyone, even the oldest, can speak to the mobile device and find what they need. 

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However, once we know all these advantages, the next question is inevitable. How does this new panorama affect everything that has to do with SEO?


In fact, there is no doubt that this entire paradigm shift will affect the way ranking strategies are dealt with. Hence the importance of knowing them and knowing how to act in each case.


This is something that still holds true in any self-respecting SEO strategy. Not in vain at all times you have to know the words for which you have to compete. A study of keywords that will not only tell us which words the competition is working on but which ones we should work based on very well marked guidelines.

  • Search volume. One of the most important details since it is useless to be positioned by a keyword that nobody will search for.
  • In more than a few cases it can be much more interesting to try to achieve a good positioning in several words with a good volume of searches than to invest a lot of effort in a word that is little less than impossible.


We must not doubt this at any time. We must be aware that voice searches, as we have already advanced, are much more precise searches. Some searches that often include a word that refers to the geographical location in which the person is at the same time.

For all this, it is very important to build a powerful local SEO strategy. It should be borne in mind that many of these voice searches are carried out when you are walking or driving on the street. What better than having a well-positioned store, restaurant, pharmacy or toy store on Google at the same time that someone passes right in front of it?

For this, it goes without saying that we will not only have to do a good link building campaign. We will also have to focus a lot on other resources such as Google My Business.


Now it is more important than ever to know what the search trends are. In a world as changing as this one, and in a society where tastes and trends can change overnight, it is vital for our interests to always stay up-to-date.

With this what we mean is that we should always have a list of voice searches as up-to-date as possible. Only then will we know what the user wants to look for at this precise moment and we will understand how to adapt to it with the least effort.

Now that the importance of voice searches within the current digital marketing sector has been understood, it is time to know that you have to make a certain investment in this aspect. An investment that not only has to be economic but also in human resources to be able to cover all this new scenario that will be much greater every day.

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